Because international shipments take so long, we usually remove the seller’s original packaging – often very skimpy – and repack your item with our own packing materials. If we don’t do this, the item you receive will most likely be damaged during the long international shipping period.
The main material is showing in the photo. We will use different packing material according to your item.

Firstly of all, we will find a suitable box to hold all your items. In order to protect items from damage during international transportation, we will fill the carton with filling material if it is little larger. If we cannot find suitable box, we will cut down the box to suit your items. Different products will adopt packing method generally.
Pack with 2 boxes (high value / fragile items)

Filling with material (extra space)

Cut down the box (small items / cos-prop)

Let’s look at the change in package weight
★ 1. Items Net Weight.
Weight shows on seller’s page is usually net weight.

★ 2. Items with Bubble Material.
42agent use bubble material to wrap items.

★ 3. Weight Before Shipping
42agent puts the items in a suitable carton after wrap bubble.

★ 4. Final Weight When Shipping
42agent wraps full of tape and pastes shipping label on package before shipping.

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